Thursday, September 24, 2009

Cantering together

Whoop! Last night was the first time Walker and I cantered together, and that was at Liberty (no rope, no halter). We were very lucky to have the arena to ourselves last night, so we took advantage of it by playing together, first on line then at Liberty. I am pretty sure Walker did not quite feel the connection between my movement and his yet, as when I tried to move down to a trot, he did not do it until I asked him down with the carrot stick, but that will come in time. It was an amazing feeling. What a privilege to have an animal of so much intelligence and natural fear of predators to canter with me. Maybe the best part is he now circles me, and I don't need a round pen to do it.

I look forward to the day that we feel that connection in the saddle. There have been glimpses . . .

He also stood up on the pedestal at Liberty, but I can tell he is still a little unsure about it. He almost walked over it, but got a little worried, so we went and worked on our sideways game again. No need to push the issue, he'll come around in time; so far he always has. 
He is so funny about using his hind end at the trot and sideways! But his resistance is starting to crumble, as he kicks out less and less, and I can tell he is really trying, beginning to understand better what I am asking him to do. I can see his stomach muscles starting to work as he gets under himself at all of the gaits, and I know we are progressing in the right direction.

The best thing is that I never anger or frustration to get the better of me anymore. I have learned to stop and think about what we are doing and how I might approach things differently so he can understand better, have more clarity. Sometimes he just resists, but those times get fewer and fewer.

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