Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Secular and Sacred

A patient was curious about my Level 1 Parelli Natural Horsemanship award I have framed and mounted in my dental office, and she wanted to know what I "did" with my horse. I have thought quite a bit about this, how to tell people the depth of how I feel about this journey I am on with my horse without having to spend an hour or day or week doing it. So, I told her that our world is a secular world. When I am with my horse, I want to feel we have something of the sacred between us; an island of sacred in a sea of secular. She told me, "Wouldn't it be nice if the hold world felt that way about something or someone?" We both agreed it would.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the way that you put it. There is something almost 'otherworldly' when it comes to successful relationships - especially when that relationship stretches across the species barrier. To get our horses (prey animals) to trust us (predators) completely is one of the most rewarding things we can do... and yes, non-Parellied (non-horsed?) people think we're bonkers!

    Kerrin Koetsier
    Parelli Central
