Thursday, May 13, 2010

Online Zone 5 driving

This is an area that Walker and I have not played with much, and it is a little confusing for him and me, mostly I think because I am still figuring out how to use my tools properly to get things done. I never thought I would be leading my horse from behind his tail with one rein, but here we are now doing a weave pattern, going over cavalletties (at a trot) and over a false bridge, all with one rein with me as the cart! Much of the time lately, Walker has been behaving more like a left brained introvert than a right brained extrovert, so I have had to change how I play with him, even slowing down to get things done with lots of breaks in between. He gets nervous when he has to stop on the bridge, but after playing with it over and over, he is getting better about it. The more he has time to think about it and realize it is not going to kill him, the better he gets.
We have been playing with the trailer more lately also, getting him more used to going deep into the trailer, and that is getting better as well though he does not like to stay in long when he is deep in there. I am confident that as we play more with it, he will get better with that as well. I have to remember to get my energy up when he gets nervous like this, as trying to slow him down or get in his way just make him more nervous. The total opposite of how I have to deal with people when they are nervous about seeing me, the dentist, although the confidence and leadership is important in both situations.

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