Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lots of folks at the barn

Between a long week of work, my Mom spending a couple of nights in the hospital and the ridiculous heat we have had to deal with, I have not spent much time at the barn since last weekend. However, I did get a chance to go last night. Lei had a photography party, complete with chocolate martinis for the adults, and birthday cake and chocolate covered strawberries for all the kids. Several people at the barn had birthdays in July and August, and we were celebrating all of them. 

Walker hams it up for cookies
Wendy and I brought our boys out for the fun. I decided to ride Mav and Walker around bareback. Mav went first, and wow, did he have a mind of his own about where he wanted to go. Mostly, he wanted to mug all the humans for cookies. He was pretty successful at doing that.

Next came Walker. He is such a ham. He also mugged everyone for cookies, but he has additional tricks under his forelock, raising a front foot as though to shake hands, bending his neck around and gently nuzzling people with his nose. He did manage to wheedle cookies out of several people. 

Lauren D. was our photographer, and when I get those, I will definitely post them. The two photos here were taken by Lei, who got my iPhone to take them. Yes, that is a martini glass in my hand. Thank you, Lei! The chocolate martini was delicious!

Walker poses for the camera, or does he want some of my martini?
Ashley, Abby and Cat all took me up on the offer to ride Walker bridle-less. It was fun watching the girls ride, all fearless. It was wonderful to see Walker, left-brained and being really good with the girls. 

Finally, we tucked the boys in for the night and fed them all. We were rewarded for this with nickers all around.

Thank you, Lei, for a wonderful evening.

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